Animex World provides both subbed and dubbed versions of anime with love . Give it a shot. !
App Features:
1. Save your favorite anime so that you do not have to search for it every time.
2. Genres have been included.
3. Watch anime through any video player.
4. Anime episode update daily.
5. Remember the video you watched
6. Notification on new anime release
All copyrights and trademarks are the property of their respective authors.
All the content in the application is gathered from open sources on the Internet.
If you think the content of some Anime has violated the copyrights, please report it to us via email.
We will immediately process it.
Animex World menyediakan anime versi subbed dan dijuluki dengan cinta. Cubalah. !
Ciri Aplikasi:
1. Simpan anime kegemaran anda sehingga anda tidak perlu mencarinya setiap masa.
2. Genre telah disertakan.
3. Tonton anime melalui mana-mana pemain video.
4. Kemas kini episod anime setiap hari.
5. Ingat video yang anda tonton
6. Pemberitahuan mengenai pelepasan anime baru
### PENAFIAN ###
Semua hak cipta dan cap dagang adalah hak milik pengarang masing-masing.
Semua kandungan dalam aplikasi dikumpulkan dari sumber terbuka di Internet.
Sekiranya anda berpendapat bahawa kandungan beberapa Anime telah melanggar hak cipta, sila laporkan kepada kami melalui e-mel.
Kami akan segera memprosesnya.